Unlike traditional offline marketing, where readerships or audiences are the only way to gauge how successful a method can be, SEO almost has too much data to consider. It takes a highly trained specialist to fully review and understand which data is relevant to a particular marketing campaign. We can guarantee that every individual who works on a client’s campaign will consider all of this data, focusing on audience and product or service relevancy. Once your website gains visibility for selected words, the data analysis doesn’t stop. We review the conversions to ensure that users who come from search engines actually convert into customers.
According to General
A business owner might only sell electric fan heaters, but the keyword “electric fan heaters” may only have 600 exact monthly searches for this term. According to general click-through estimates only 60% of visitors click on the website that appears in position one, so the estimated maximum traffic potential for this exact keyword would be 360 visitors if a website reaches position one. It is also important to consider the estimated amount of non-exact searches that include the phrase “Electric fan heaters” which is shown to be 1600. These search volumes are quite low and could indicate the amount of effort required to get to position one for this specific search term is not worthwhile and “fan heaters” or “electric heaters” which have monthly exact search volumes of two to four thousand would provide a better return on investment.
The keyword has been a Success
We must review this data to fully understand if the keyword has been a success. This will ascertain if the choice of keyword was the best option. We believe it is extremely important to have conversion points and goals configured on every website. We offer a very personal approach, guiding our clients through keyword selection, ensuring that your website performs to the highest standard, and above all understanding your objectives.
Our ultimate aim is to create conversions for you. Effective SEO implementation considers a site visitor’s requirements, which will aid in creating more revenue. We measure any improvements and changes that we make to help us understand just how successful they have been. These conversions are not just a sale or purchase; they can be anything from a user registering to a website, a newsletter email list sign-up, or any other point of measurement. Websites shouldn’t get bogged down trying to generate instant sales, many visitors return at a later date or may not even purchase the product they originally found when visiting a website.
So it is important to be aware of your online clients and to try to retain these prospective customers to maximize the potential traffic brought to a website. Converting these visitors into customers is our ultimate goal. It is imperative to implement ongoing awareness and retention marketing techniques to maximize the traffic brought to a website. Conversions can be measured at the keyword level, so all decisions and visibility gained can be reviewed for their effectiveness. At SEO Masters we take these conversions seriously, our expert knowledge not only improves search engine visibility but we measure and monitor these conversions every step of the way at regular intervals.