HighPoint SEO is Under Construction

It’s time that we dive in and overhaul the website. There are some things that we like, and some that we really don’t, so over the next few weeks this site will be in a constant state of flux. We’ll be changing the theme of the site and customizing the look and feel to make it all our own.

In case there are any problems with our site, the construction, losing rankings, etc., we’ve created a second blog to help solidify our rankings on some important local terms and have an additional sounding board while the construction crews are doing their thing. The new blog is aptly titled Denver SEO Blog, and as the name implies, the blog will discuss some of the trends and changing landscape of the Denver SEO scene, and will also be a canvas for us to practice Thesis customization techniques.

What’s Wrong With Our Current Site?

Not that there’s anything wrong with the existing design, but after implementing our new theme on scores of clients’ blogs, I am so comfortable and happy working in the new environment, that I’m going to make the change. We’re not going to disclose the new theme framework as we don’t want to show too much, but those people that know WordPress and SEO should easily recognize our framework. Some of the early plans are to introduce more images through a gallery, add SEO video tutorials, Denver SEO case studies, a more detailed section for prospective clients, current customer testimonials, and maybe some cool widgets.

These things are all possible now but haven’t been implemented because we have been holding out for this major overhaul. Sounds Like a Lotta’ Web Design, What About the SEO? Denver-SEO-Gears SEO is the Driving Force Behind All That We Do More important than any design changes that will happen with the new site are the upgraded SEO items we want to introduce. We are already getting great results for Denver SEO, and some pretty competitive SEO terms on a national basis, but the game is constantly changing and we prefer to stay ahead, rather than play catch up.

We’re staying on WordPress, but we’re going to clean up some of the issues with our existing site. Simple stuff really, but things that can make a big difference.Repairing any/all broken links, cleaning up the code, removing unnecessary CSS, and getting rid of as many plugins as possible. These really slow down the page load speed, so removing as many as possible is helpful.

Also implementing some server-side changes that will make a big improvement on that front. (As an aside, I’m not sure that Page Speed will be a large factor any time soon, as it’s a factor that is hard for the masses to address, and they don’t want to unfairly penalize the average SMB. Here’s Google’s statement on Page Speed as a ranking factor.)But I digress, – all in all we want to have a cleaner, faster-loading site that is an example of SEO best practices. The site needs to be more flexible, cleaner, and faster, period. In our current state, some of the items we want to address are not possible.

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