Marketing your business book can take some time and as a busy author you do need to add book marketing to your already full schedule. One of my goals is to help you master time management in order to achieve your highest goals. Here are five things to consider when you think of how you spend your time:
Put on Hold
We all have the same amount of time. There are 1440 minutes in each day, and 86,400 seconds in every day. Think of what it would mean for you if you can strategically plan your time to increase your productivity and seemingly gain an extra hour ever daytime can have a future value. You know the saying: time is money. What happens when you put money in the bank? The interest accumulates, right? The money you put in today has a future value. So does time. The time that you now invest in many of your activities could have a future value.
Time management is not automatic. Time management is similar to customer service and many other skills which are so important, yet are not inherent in us. It is a learned skill and requires practice. Make it your goal to master time management. Are you already using some time management tools? Then continue adding to these, over time, and so increase your productivity.
Some activities produce better results than others. The concept of opportunity cost can well be applied to the idea of time. The value of undertaking an activity now could be measured in terms of another activity you could have been doing. Which one is going to be more valuable to you?
If it is not scheduled it will not get done. Has that happened to you? You have that thought in your head that you need to exercise and know you will get around to it. However, because you have not scheduled it, what happens? It doesn’t get done.
Take some time to figure out how much time you need for your activities. Include the extra time you need (above what you are already allocating) for each of your activities and move things around – reallocate your time from where you are using it now into an area that will help you achieve your goals and create more satisfaction for you.
Are you ready to manage your time and improve your results? Sign up for a complimentary Expand Your Reach Strategy Session and discover what you should be doing now to create impact and income from your business book.