We have a lot of experience in promoting the business locally no matter where you live in the world. Our prices are competitive and are tailored to your business niche. Why not call or email us for a free consultation?
Marketing and Sales Connections
We provide a range of that that are selected and tailored to meet the specific needs of your site but always begin with a site analysis. We have included the major categories below, but please rest assured that we are flexible and can tailor our services and costs to meet your needs.
We always begin with a full analysis of your site from the viewpoint of Business. Once the analysis has been done, we will advise you on exactly which services you need to attract visitors who are looking for products and services like yours. This is a complex matter and although we will gladly explain in as much detail as you could possibly want, we will never bury you in geek-babble unless that is your wish. We speak plain business English and understand what we are doing well enough to explain it in simple terms.
The Analysis package provides:
A thorough review of your site’s online structure, including the use of keywords, meta tags, images, videos, and other factors relevant to ranking. A Plagiarism Check to see whether your site content has been stolen and copied this can sink your site Google Hates duplicate content!
A full site speed check and analysis – if your site is slow it is unlikely to either rank well or sell your products well. A link audit of all sites connected to your site. Links from sites Google dislikes can sink your site – fast! Our audit uses the latest generation tools that reveal those links. We will also tell you what links you need to rank your site and get buyers to your storefront.
A Competitor Analysis – we will tell you what your competitors are doing online how they are linked, and what you have to do to beat them Keyword Analysis for the search terms critical to your success we will tell you what people are searching for and how competitive it is to rank for those terms. We will also make suggestions on high-volume search terms that your competitors haven’t yet discovered.
Mobile Capability Check – Is your site mobile-friendly? If not, you’re not receiving even half of your traffic potential we’ll look closely at this and tell you how you stand. These are the things you need to know before you have any work done on your site – and that’s why we’ve pitched the price to be low and affordable. You can download a sample report here: