Yahoo Testing Rich Ads in Search

Yahoo Testing Rich Ads in Search

Yahoo Search Marketing recently announced that they are launching their Rich Ads in Search program with a few household names to test the integration of video and…

Mark Zuckerberg is planning

Is the Future Bright?

With the recently acquired funds, Mark Zuckerberg is planning to heavily expand Facebook. At this moment they employ approximately 300+ people but in the near future, it…

My Impact on Instagram

My Impact on Instagram

Instagram is now an app that sees over 300 million daily users and 4.2Bn likes per day. It is now the largest photo-sharing community, having started in…

The Brain

The Brain Has The Same Problems That Databases Do

What can the human brain learn from how a database works There is a battle going on in every database and the same battle in every human…

Another Google Adjustment

Another Google Adjustment

Beginning today, Google will add another facet to its already complex algorithm by lowering search rankings for websites that have “high numbers” of copyright-infringement removal requests. An…

Secure VPN Solutions

Secure VPN Solutions

Leveraging any broadband Internet connection with SNAP VPN creates a comprehensive Secure Network Access Platform suitable for leveraging applications and efficiently securely moving information between branch offices,…

Facebook's Online

Facebook’s Online Advertising System

In the previous chapter, we’ve mentioned that Microsoft’s investment seems like it’s been done just to ensure the brokering of Microsoft ads and search engines on the…

Your Search Engine Rankings

Directory Submission

Directory Submission plays an important role in shaping your ranking on the major search engines. It is the most effective way to promote your website and develop…

How to Install SSL on Your Website?

Installing SSL is a technical process but most of the popular web hosting control panels make it extremely easy for anyone to install an SSL certificate. Here…