Reviewing Various Types of Poetry Contests

There are many people who often enter poetry contests. These contests are organized frequently, and interested poets can be charged to enter the competition or enter without a fee. However, most poets search for the free poetry contests. The setup of these competitions can either be general whereby poets are allowed to submit any style of poems or they could either be motivational poems, inspirational, love, or Christian poems.

When the poets are asked for inspirational poems for the contest they are required to enter a poem that meets this requirement. They include poems about overcoming a difficult challenge, hope or self esteem that qualify under this category. It is more likely that writers of inspiring poems will enter the poetry contests on this category.

The other setup for these competitions is motivational poems. The poets are needed to enter poems that are motivating. They range from poems on achieving a goal, gaining something, or on low self-esteem. The motivational poems are often written by many poets. The motivation poetry contests can motivate an individual to write a motivational poem.

When the poetry contests lean on the love poems category, poets are then required to enter poems that mirror in the area of love. The poem could either be about romance, family or friendship. However, most of the poets write poems about love and many of them look forward to the poetry contest that favors this category. Most of the times, these kind of poems are about the love one has for another person they are in a relationship with.

Urban poetry contests are also very popular. Poems that fall under this category are mostly written by African American people. This is a tribute to their urban culture. Therefore, any poet interested to enter their poem in a poetry contest that features poems of this kind need to write poems that relate to urban culture in some kind of way. The poems are written with urban style words.

There are other poetry contests that attract competitors who write short poems in a story style. These may include people who often write fantasy or fiction poems, as they qualify for this category. Short story poems can be written about anything. However, the poem needs to be in form of a story.

On the other hand, Christian poetry contests feature poems that are based on Christian’s faith in God. The competitors are required to enter poems about God in some kind of way. These contests appeal more to poets who write pure poems or go to church often. However, this does not exclude people who do not believe in God or have faith in God as they may enter a Christian poem that explains their disbelief in God.

People are advised that before they enter poetry contests, they need to have some knowledge on the host of the competition. This is because there are some contests that are usually scams and the host is out to gain money from the contestants. These contests are online and in magazines while others are hosted by local community businesses or organizations. The poems to be entered in the contests need to be very creative so as to win the competition.

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