From researching your niche industry and prospecting related websites to making personal contact and securing targeted links, I’ll provide the complete link popularity solution. Review your website, its content, your target audiences, your current link popularity, and your current search engine rankings, Research your industry prospecting the top portals and websites with the greatest market relevance, and Prioritize prospects by a combination of factors including their link popularity scores and their present search engine positioning,
A Typical Link Building Campaign
1) Reciprocal links:
Exchange reciprocal links with websites relevant to your industry.
2) One-Way-links Through Directory Submission:
There are virtually 1000s of directories accepting free new listings every day. In most cases, website marketers boycott such “secondary directories” thinking that no traffic would result from being listed on them… We agree! This is not what will bring traffic! However, inclusion in directories creates a strong one-way link factor. In other terms, submitting your website to 100s of “at-first-sight-insignificant” directories will greatly enhance your link popularity factor. Of course, submissions should be addressed to directories featuring a decent PR.
Please note: Only manual submissions work for directory submission – Beware of those companies offering to submit your website to thousands of directories for a few dollars only since they always perform the work with software which are not SEO friendly – submitting to a directory requires individual registration in all cases and it is a labor-intensive process which can only be fulfilled manually.
3) One-Way-Links Through Blogs & Forums:
Participate in blogs and forum discussions. Post comments & questions and always have your URL listed in your signature. It is always advisable to address blogs and forums within your line of the industry as a priority, but not necessarily… In fact, as an example, you could be a manufacturer visiting a marketing forum, and you could post a simple statement such as “Thank you for the tip!” in response to someone giving good information.
The name of the game is to interact with online communities through blogs and forums to have a valid excuse to list your URL as many times as possible, thus increasing your link popularity through one-way links. Link enhancement through Blogs & Forums is also a labor-intensive process that cannot be implemented through software. In order to post a comment, each blog/forum requires registration. There is an art to “navigating” through blogs & forums, but it is well worth the time invested since Google values greatly this type of one-way link!
4) One-way-links through Article Submission & Press Release:
Article submission & online press releases have become industry standards in the world of SEO – Thousands of eZine publishers are looking for new articles and press release material on an ongoing basis. In most cases, you should not expect to receive traffic from such articles after they get published… In fact, chances are that your articles & press releases will never be found nor read, but their purpose is once again to increase your link popularity through one-way links. Article Submission & Press Release is a simple and efficient ways to increase backlinks to your site.