When purchasing term life insurance, there are several factors to consider. Consumers should make certain they understand the concept of term life insurance and make purchases accordingly. Here are a few of the most common mistakes people make when buying term life insurance policies:
- Buying a term life insurance policy because it is inexpensive. While the price may be cheap, you must make sure that the policy will meet your life insurance needs.
- Failing to realize that term life insurance is temporary. A term life insurance policy will only be in effect for a set period. After that time expires you will need to renew, and if your health has deteriorated in that time it may be very difficult for you to obtain another policy.
- Purchasing life insurance from an unknown or unstable insurance company. If the insurance company you choose does not have at least an A rating, walk away and look elsewhere.
- Buying life insurance from an over-anxious agent. If the agent does not take the time to ask questions and understand your needs, end the conversation immediately and find a different agent.
- Failing to review your policy regularly. Changes in your life, your employment, and your finances can affect your life insurance needs. Take the time to analyze your situation from time to time to determine if your insurance needs have changed.