A New Perspective on Fashion

The last six months put a lot in perspective for me. Life was disrupted, routines changed and my focus shifted to my community. As a result, discussing what I was wearing seemed insignificant when lives were being lost, homes destroyed and both towns I hold near and dear to my heart were having to rebuild.
At school, we opened our classrooms to Montecito Union elementary students, welcoming them with open arms and involving them in our community events to provide “normalcy”; their teachers and students had to evacuate every time a storm was in the forecast.

Small Local Businesses

My focus was on my students, reassuring them that everything would be okay and that as a community we are strong. This shift of focus led me to realize the importance of supporting small local businesses like Ambiance Boutique. Santa Barbara and Montecito shops were greatly impacted by the December fires and January mudslides. In Montecito, shops had to close for weeks. Our community rallied around them, organizing events to show love and support for these small retailers. At this moment, I became fully aware of the impact of my spending, and I wanted to support these small shops.

Shopping small and locally, I discovered a greater appreciation for handmade goods, goods made on a small scale. Clothing made in the USA is sustainable and ethical. That is why from here on out, my blog will mainly focus on:

Shopping small
Resource-based and renewable fashion.
Clothing made in the USA
Clothing and accessories are made with the intention that will last.

You will still find me sharing clothing and accessories that don’t fit this mold, as I slowly switch over my closet. However, I’m hoping we can make this journey together, teaching and learning from one another how to transition over to a sustainable wardrobe.

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